

Nukini Hape (rapé)

This Nukini Hape is made by the Nukini tribe in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil.

Once Nukini enters the body, it starts to scan all the physical and energy bodies. And it acts through opening all the blockages it encounters. Therefore, it has a great healing power on all levels. That’s the reason why this hapé is favoured for deep cleansing works. Above all, people usually use this hapé for chakra clearing and alignment just before any spiritual ceremony. On the mental level, Nukini hapé gives clarity to the mind and can be very helpful in decision makings.

About the Nukini Tribe

The Nukini tribe lives in Acre, Brazil and belongs to the Pano language family. The Nukini tribe currently has approximately 750 members. Members suffered greatly in the latex district, and many tribesmen were enslaved or massacred afterwards. A huge part of their culture, including their language, was successively lost or dispersed, and almost the entire ethnic group disappeared. However, the Nukini managed to survive by mixing with other ethnic groups and tribes. They have rebuilt a strong socio-economic structure that allows them to be close to the nature that surrounds and nourishes them.

The history of the Nukini tribe is closely related to shamanic rituals and ceremonies, which are an important part of their culture. Some of the rituals they perform include: purification and healing ceremonies, fertility and harvest ceremonies, youth initiation ceremonies and funeral ceremonies. Many of these ceremonies involve the use of various herbs and plants.

The Nukini tribe greatly respect Rapé and use it in rituals. Rapé is a very important shamanic tool for them, which is used to purify the body and soul and to cure various diseases. The Nukini tribe also uses Rapé to communicate with spirits and to obtain support and wisdom from their ancestors. Rapé production is an important source of income for the Nukini tribe, as well as a way to preserve their culture and traditions.

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What is Hapé?

Hapé is the preparation of powdered medicinal herbs administered through the nose as a snuff. Hapé quickly and intensely produces effects that make the user feel alert and elevated. Typically, mapacho (nicotina rustica sacred tobacco) which contains about twenty times the nicotine of common tobacco is used as a base for Hapé, and other plant medicines are added for various effects.

This ancient practice of consuming powdered plant medicines through the nose dated back to the pre-Colombian days and was first observed among the indigenous tribes of Brazil. To these tribes, hapé is a sacred shamanic medicine with extensive healing and other powers. Other uses include inducing visions, increasing energy, and heightening the senses with the aromatic fragrance of the plants used in the blend.

Several tribes traditionally use Hape, and they each produce their own specific Hapé blends. These tribes include but are not limited to the Shipibo, Katukina, Yawanawa, Kaxinawa, Nukini, Kuntanawa, Apurinã, Ashaninka, and Matses.

In general, Rapé has the following effects: it deeply helps to reconcile and open all your chakras, improves your grounding, releases any illness on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, opens the third eye, decalcifies the pineal gland, removes any mental confusion, it releases any negative thoughts, removes all negative entities, connects you with your divine breath and enhances your connection with the Spirit.

Please note that after application of Rapé, you may experience cleansing, vomiting, bowel movements and increased saliva, which is a normal reaction when your energy and physical body releases blocked energy, toxins and diseases. It is good to have a bucket, toilet paper and drinking water at hand.

Each Rapé has different vibrations, different properties, carries different information, differs in subtlety and has very different effects on the energy field. In addition, after you build a deeper relationship with each Rapé – She becomes a powerful plant teacher for you to ask any questions or go to any sacred ceremony with a specific purpose.

During the Ayahuasca ceremony, Rapé is commonly used by the Yawanawa, Kaxinawa-Huni Kuin and Katukina (Brazilian tribes) to relieve illnesses, dissolve blocked energies, find visions and look clearly.

It is important that Hape(rapé) is used with clear focus and intention. A state of clear mind and meditation is desired before administering to yourself, it is recommended to have a long study and understanding of this medicine as well as receiving an initiation before serving to others as it is a highly energetic medicine. Please get in touch if you require more information on the use of hape or where to be initiated in how to serve for others.

These natural products are offered for their ethnographic and historical value and are delivered with no expressed or implied fitness for a specific purpose. It is simply a raw botanical specimen, or a scientific sample.

The information provided is purely meant for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should never be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific use. The use and application of our product is at the customer’s decision, responsibility and risk. All products are sold not for human consumption.

Nukini Hape (Rapé)

This Nukini Hape is made by the Nukini tribe in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil.

Once Nukini enters the body, it starts to scan all the physical and energy bodies. And it acts through opening all the blockages it encounters. Therefore, it has a great healing power on all levels. That’s the reason why this hapé is favoured for deep cleansing works. Above all, people usually use this hapé for chakra clearing and alignment just before any spiritual ceremony. On the mental level, Nukini hapé gives clarity to the mind and can be very helpful in decision makings.

About the Nukini Tribe

The Nukini tribe lives in Acre, Brazil and belongs to the Pano language family. The Nukini tribe currently has approximately 750 members. Members suffered greatly in the latex district, and many tribesmen were enslaved or massacred afterwards. A huge part of their culture, including their language, was successively lost or dispersed, and almost the entire ethnic group disappeared. However, the Nukini managed to survive by mixing with other ethnic groups and tribes. They have rebuilt a strong socio-economic structure that allows them to be close to the nature that surrounds and nourishes them.

The history of the Nukini tribe is closely related to shamanic rituals and ceremonies, which are an important part of their culture. Some of the rituals they perform include: purification and healing ceremonies, fertility and harvest ceremonies, youth initiation ceremonies and funeral ceremonies. Many of these ceremonies involve the use of various herbs and plants.

The Nukini tribe greatly respect Rapé and use it in rituals. Rapé is a very important shamanic tool for them, which is used to purify the body and soul and to cure various diseases. The Nukini tribe also uses Rapé to communicate with spirits and to obtain support and wisdom from their ancestors. Rapé production is an important source of income for the Nukini tribe, as well as a way to preserve their culture and traditions.